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Int 10 Fn 5F00  - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - Return 82c45x Chip  [V]

   AX = 5F00h

Return: AL = 5Fh function supported
       BL = chip type (see below)
       BH = video memory size (00h 256KB, 01h 512KB, 02h 1MB)
       CX = miscellaneous information (see below)

See Also: AX=5F01h

Bitfields for chip type:
 bits 7-4 chip type
   0000: 82c451
   0001: 82c452
   0010: 82c455
   0011: 82c453
   0101: 82c456
   0110: 82c457
   0111: F65520
   1000: F65530
 bits 3-0 revision number

Bitfields for miscellaneous information:
 bit 0 DAC size (0=6-bit, 1=8-bit)
 bit 1 system type (0=PC/AT, 1=PS/2)
 bit 2 extended text modes supported by BIOS
 bit 3 reserved
 bit 4 extended graphics modes supported by BIOS
 bit 5 reserved
 bit 6 BIOS supports graphics cursor
 bit 7 BIOS supports anti-aliased font
 bit 8 BIOS supports pre-programmed emulation
 bit 9 BIOS supports auto emulation
 bit 10    BIOS supports variable mode set at cold boot
 bit 11    BIOS supports variable mode set on warm boot
 bit 12    BIOS supports emulation mode set at cold boot
 bit 13    BIOS supports emulation mode set on warm boot
 bits 14-15 reserved

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